Sunday, January 24, 2010

I've been to the Moon

Okay Blogger, I know I have some explaining to do but bear with me (as if you haven't already enough). I have been gone, but I have not completely abandoned you. It's just life became really hectic, unbearable at times, since last semester and I did not want to do anything but crawl into a comfortable fetal position and sleep forever. It is true that life for a person can be very difficult, so a good friend makes clear in her art. It is difficult and too often I ignore my true feelings about the issues of my own life. It seems easier to ignore it and keep looking to the future. It is not possible though because every time I make art, I really am reflecting. It is an unconscious process though. Only later do I realize I was making art about my own problems, which does not comfort me in the way it probably should.
But that does not mean it is not a wonderful thing, to be an artist and have the ability to channel the difficulties of life in an artwork. How powerful an artist can be by doing so. The animation I created below encompasses so many of my unspoken feelings, mainly from last semester, but also where I am in life right now. I feel so connected to this man in the moon, whom was banished to the moon only because he was working on a day he should have been resting. It got me to thinking, what am I really chasing after? Why am I in school working so hard? Where am I trying to go in this life? If I do not sit down and reflect where I am, I too may be punished like the man in the moon. I may grow old and realize it was all for nothing really and I squandered so much of my life because I thought I would get ahead. And for what or who? Ask yourself these questions my friend. Not so easy right?

I wont end there though because we do not have complete control over our lives. Things happen and we can chose to face or run from them. Sometimes there is and never will be an answer. You just have to live. Even at 20, I am feeling this on a very intense level. And on that note, enjoy the animation and my little insight on life!

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